It was just last summer that Roxana and Philippe decided to say their vows before God, their families and friends. The venue was one of our favourites so far, a restaurant just beside lake Gilau, Cluj-Napoca, of an amazing beauty, in a place that is surrounded by nature and a relaxing atmosphere.
The religious ceremony took place on the pier of the lake, with ambiental pan-pipe music, in the background. All of this important details made this day become a beautiful memory and one full of meaning for the guests, parents and especially for the lovers . The following are just a few captures of the moments that made this day one full of joy and energy , a day marking the beginning of a new adventure for Roxana and Philippe .
At the end of the day, this experience was one that will stick close to our hearts, and will remain as a beautiful #dedor memory. It was a great chance to capture happy people, in a natural light, in a dreamlike place, in a sunny summer day.
Roxana and Philippe, we wish you the best in the journey you have started together and may the best be just yet to coime for the two of you, as husband and wife.
A fost vara trecuta cand Roxana și Philippe au decis sa-si spuna juramintele in fata lui Dumnezeu, familiei si prietenii lor.
Locul de desfășurare a cununiei civile si a petrecerii a fost unui dintre favoritele noastre de pana acum, un restaurant chiar langa lacul Gilau, Cluj-Napoca, de o frumusete uimitoare, intr-un loc care este inconjurat de natura si o atmosfera relaxanta.
Ceremonia religioasa a avut loc pe pontonul lacului, cu muzica ambientala de nai, pe fundal. Toate aceste detalii importante au facut ca aceasta zi sa devina o amintire frumoasa si una plina de semnificatie pentru oaspeti, parinti si mai ales pentru cei doi indragostiti. In continuare, mai jos, sunt doar cateva capturi ale momentelor care au facut din aceasta zi una plina de bucurie si energie, o zi care marcheaza inceputul unei noi aventuri pentru Roxana si Philippe.
La sfarsitul zilei, aceasta experienta a fost una care va ramane aproape de inimile noastre, și se va pastra ca o amintire frumoasa, #dedor.
A fost o mare oportunitate de a captura oameni fericiti, intr-o lumina naturala, la propriu si la figurat, intr-un loc de vis, intr-o zi insorita de vara.
Roxana si Philippe, va dorim tot binele din lume in aceasta calatorie in viata inceputa in doi, si fie ca lucruri din ce in ce mai frumoase sa urmeze pentru voi.